In the automotive filter, the paper-fiber suspension has a concentration of 11% to 16%. After carefully controlling the flow to the forming wire, it is dehydrated to leave a layer of uniform tissue. The vacuum suction dewatering on the forming wire makes the paper web have enough strength to bear its own weight, that is, it is pulled from the net and sent to the press section to press more water (for high permeability filter paper, no press dehydration is used, otherwise the paper web is Crush to the point of failure and lose permeability.) The web is dried to remove excess moisture, usually by allowing the web to surround a series of steam-heated dryers.
The structure of a medium (for example, a woven mesh) is easily defined. According to its definition, its filtering performance is very easy to understand. The structure of the paper is extremely complex, and Corte's attempt to interpret the paper structure using an approximate mathematical model has been quite successful. Paper sheets are an incomplete hierarchy.
Based on the analysis of the straight rod distribution based on the fiber/fiber crossover frequency and the average length between the cross points, the mechanism of the strength properties of the paper sheet can be understood. The distribution of voids on the polygon is related to the porosity. This problem is very complex, only to further approximate the structure from the polygon (in a random network, the average value of the edge is 4) to simplify the rectangle.
Taking into account that the cross-section of each pore in the long direction is irregular and the diameter is varied, in order to further analyze the structure using a straight circular tubular pore with an average radius to replace it, the average value of the length of the pore is determined The flow pattern applied, and the appearance of different pore distributions on the same paper depends on the flow characteristics through it.
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