Thin Film Electronics ASA announced that it has been able to print integrated electronic systems that detect temperature excesses, record data in real time, and facilitate later retrieval and display. It is a key element of the concept of the Internet of Things, which means that all objects are embedded with chips that store data and interact with the network.
Recently, Thin Film Electronics ASA, a leading developer of printed electronics in Oslo, Norway, announced that it has been able to print integrated electronic systems. This label provides item-level quality data tracking for perishables, such as medicines and foods. The system includes printed memory, sensors and logic. The system is used to detect the temperature is excessive, can record data in real time, and can be easily retrieved and displayed later.
Davide, a professional manager at Mori Feyen, one of the prototype sensor development houses, said: "It's a completely intelligent tool that operates independently and it sounds familiar, as it is the key to the concept of IoT Element, the Internet of Things means that all objects are embedded with chips that store data and network interactions. "
In addition, the platform will include timer functionality and wireless communication capabilities in the future. It is expected that the smart packaging platform will be put into commercial use in 2014.
Want this kind of product to be popularized, not only requires the use of cheap electronic components, but also need to be integrated. The system can store, process and transmit data. Such as monitoring temperature, the sensor records the object temperature history, track the exact time, temperature and exposure information, while low-power reader shows. When users need these data can be readily available, very convenient, do not need cloud activation, do not need wireless links.
Sulphur Black is as Sulphur Black 1 Sulphur Dye,flashing black flakes or particles,CAS1326-82-5,C6H4N2O5.Have high and full strength. Mainly used for denim cotton and cotton fiber blended fabric dyeing, also used for dyeing cambric, viscose and vinylon.
The product must be stored in shade,dry & well-ventilated warehouse.Avoid to be contacted with oxidizing chemicals and combustible organic substances.Keep it away from direct sunlight,heat,sparks and open flames.Carefully handle the product and avoid damaging the package.
sulphur black,Sulphur Black BR200%,dye sulphur black
Yucheng Jinhe Industrial Co.,Ltd ,